
Here are links to resources intended to accompany workshops and presentations from Megaphone Technology.

Slide decks are available as a PDF document or in the Open Document (ODP) format.  You can open the ODP file with Microsoft Powerpoint 2010 or later, or using LibreOffice, an open source office suite that you can download and use for free.

Data Migration

Do’s and Don’ts of Data Migration (ODP, PDF) (DonorSearch CFRE, January 2018)


Building Remote Forms for CiviCRM (ODP, PDF) (CiviCRM Campfire Chat Feb. 2021)
A comparison of options for remote form building with CiviCRM.

Building Remote Forms for CiviCRM Comparison Matrix (ODS) (CiviCRM Campfire Chat Feb. 2021)
A companion document summarizing the pros and cons of remote form options.

The state of CiviCRM and Drupal (ODP) (Drupal NYC Meetup Nov. 2017)
A Drupalista’s introduction to CiviCRM and an update on the state of CiviCRM with Drupal 8.

Better Living Through Extensions (ODP, PDF) (CiviCamp Hartford 2017)
A presentation on the extension ecosystem of CiviCRM for newcomers.

Introducing the Fast Action Links extension (ODP, PDF) (CiviCon St. Louis 2017; CiviCamp Hartford 2017)
Add links to your search results to quickly take actions on your contacts.